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Trap Royalty

Jahaud and Josiah Knight worked their way up from the bottom and hard work has definitely paid off for these brothers. With so many different business ventures it keeps the money coming in and woman throwing themselves at their feet.


Meet The Author

" Kaylyn Kiara was born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA and is the youngest of three girls. Her mother described her as a creative child with a wild and vivid imagination which now pays off in her writing. She graduated from THE Norfolk State University with a degree in Health Services Administration. She is the proud mother of a charismatic toddler. Kaylyn Kiara has always had a special place in her heart for reading but after reading Omar Tyree’s “Fly Girl” she became interested in writing. She began writing her own fictional stories in 8th grade which unbeknownst to her paved the way for her to sign with Supreme Works Publications years later. Kaylyn Kiara continued to write as a hobby throughout high school and college. She never shared her gift with those around her never believing that she could become a published author. However with the love and support of a few friends and her fiancé she decided to step out on faith and submitted a sample to her debut series Carter and Bria: Love and Loyalty to Supreme Works Publications. "

Jahaud and Josiah Knight worked their way up from the bottom and hard work has definitely paid off for these brothers. With so many different business ventures it keeps the money coming in and woman throwing themselves at their feet.

Following the demise of their long term relationship Rahlee is trying her best to coparent with Josiah and move on with her life. Unfortunately she’s still seen as Josiah Knight’s woman making it hard for her to do so. Despite his infidelity he is still deeply in love with Rahlee making it difficult to let go and give her the freedom she so desperately seeks.

Jahaud has a secret that will rock the state of his relationship. With snakes lurking and planning their demise they have to stay one step ahead of the competition. Follow Jahaud and Josiah and the woman who love them and discover why it’s not easy being Trap Royalty.

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Word Wise
Screen Reader
Enhanced Typesetting
African American Urban Fiction (Books)
African American Romance
African American Romance Fiction